Wednesday 24 July 2013


ابراهيم  مرسال :

إبراهيم مخرج أفلام و يحمل درجة البكلاريوس في هندسة التنقيب عن النفط.. يهوى التصميم و انتاج الأفلام و الكتابة و الدعاية و الإعلان.. بجانب حبه للسفر و مشاهدة الأفلام.. إبراهيم هو رئيس فريق انتاج الفيديو في TEDx خرطوم 2013 و عضو نشيط في مجتمع TEDx خرطوم منذ 2012
Ibrahim mursal warsame is a film maker, media advisor and holds BSc in oil and gas exploration engineering. He is pasionate about film making, writing, advertising campaigns, and designing loves traveling and watching movies.. He is the head of video production and photography team of TEDx khartoum 2013 and an active member of TEDx khartoum community since 2012

سامي فتحي:

خريج كلية الهندسة قسم الهندسة الطبية الحيوية.. منذ تخرجه 2008 عمل كمساعد تدريس ثم كمحاضر بجامعة السودان.. بجانب عمله بجامعات أخرى.. منذ أن كان طالبا في المدرسة الثانوية، كان يحب الرياضيات و الفيزياء، و من هنا بدأ حبه للحصول على المعرفة.. لا يرضى بالمسلمات و المستحيل هو حجة الكسالى بالنسبة له.. يعتبر سامي أن النجاح لا يأتي بالعمل الجاد و المنظم فقط.. و لكن لابد من الشجاعة و المخاطرة المدروسة في اتخاذ القرارت..
Sami Fathi Graduated as a biomedical engineer 2008, worked as a teaching assistant then a lecturer at sudan university.. inaddition to his work at another universities.. Since his early high school years he was interested in math and physics.. And this is when his journey to gain knowledge started.. Never accepts concepts without experiment.. The impossible is just a silly excuse for him.. He believes that success requires hard organized work, amd courage to take risky decisions..

محمد المتوكل

معروف بكولا، يبلغ من العمر 26 سنة، خريج جامعة السودان تخصص علوم حاسوب ونظم معلومات و يعمل حاليا كمحلل نظم.. محمد يهوى التصوير، و يعتبره أصدقاءه محل ثقة و "زول حارة" كما نعبر عنه نحن السودانيون.. مساعدة الناس هي هم محمد الشاغل.. و لا يدخر جهدا في ذلك
Mohammed Almotwakel Magdi Mohamed is 26, Known as kola, he has graduated from sudan university and been working as a systems analyzer ever since.. Mohamed likes photography, his friends trust him with there lifes, the impossible missions man.. he has a passion for helping people in every possible way..

هتان حسنين :

مهندس مدني يبلغ من العمر 24 عاما.. تخرج من جامعة السودان و يعمل في تصنيع البلاستيك.. شاب اجتماعي جدا و يهوى الأنشطة المشتركة و العمل الجماعي.. يعشق السودان بطقوسه وعاداته و كل ما يتعلق به.. خاصة الأكل السوداني.. يحب اللغات و التعرف على ثقافات الشعوب و يمارس الرياضة و تحديدا السباحة
.. Hattan Hassanain 24 years old civil engineer.. Graduated from sudan university.. Have been working in plastic manufacturing ever since.. Very social.. Loves social activities and team works.. Passionate about sudan and what defines us as sudanese.. Specially local food.. Likes to learn about other cultures and languages.. Beside sports specially swimming..

مياسة عبدالله سوار الدهب :

مياسة طالبة متفوقة و مبدعة في الخامسة و العشرين، تدرس بكلية الفنون الجميلة المستوى الثالث تخصص خطوط، لا تجد مياسة نفسها إلا بين لوحاتها و تصاميمها، منذ أن كانت صغيرة، كانت ترسم على أواني الزجاج و النوافذ بطريقة مميزة.. تحب التصوير، و تعكس صورها مدى الجمال الذي يبدو به عالمها.. مياسة عقلية فذة و شخصية نشيطة و مرحة، تسعى دوما لتخطي العقبات التي تواجهها و لا ترضى إلا بالأفضل..
Mayasa is a creative 25 years old significant student at fine art college third grade, As a child , she liked to paint on glass ware , and windows on a creative way that gives it a wonderful view , she loves photography as a way of capturing how beautiful she sees the world .. Mayasa has a great mentality and intresting personality.. She seaks perfection, and never takes less than that..

كلية الموسيقى
 9 من طلاب و طالبات كلية الموسيقى، من مختلف التخصصات و المستويات، جمعهم حب الموسيقى و الإيمان بأنها اللغة الوحيدة التي تخاطب العالم بأسره.. تكونت الفرقة بفكرة من محمد أبو "قرقوري" في العام 2011.. منذ ان زاولت الفرقة نشاطها بدأت التدريبات المكثفة و العمل الجاد يدفعهم الأمل بمستقبل مشرق و غد أفضل للموسيقى السودانية.. شاركت الفرقة في العديد من البرامج الجامعية و الحفلات الخاصة.. و لها العديد من الأعمال الخاصة مثل: "أنا بسألك" و "فراقك"..
Faculty of music 9 students from different grades, gathered only by the admiration of music as the language of love around the world.. They play on different instruments.. The band was founded 2011 by Mohamed Abbo.. Since then they have been practicing and working very hard.. With the hope of a better future of sudanese music.. They participated in alot of unversity and private parties.. They even produced there own songs, such as "أنا بسألك" and "فراقك "..

المهدي حمزة:
 طالب في التاسعة عشرة من عمره بكلية الهندسة قسم الهندسة الكهربائية، المستوى الثالث.. المهدي شاب طموح جدا و متفائل، يسعى لنشر التفكير الإيجابي أينما حل.. حلمه ان يصبح إعلاميا مختصا في القضايا الاجتماعية.. بجانب ولعه بالإصلاح الاجتماعي المهدي قارئ نهم و يحب الرياضة..
Almahdi is a 19 years old young student who studies electrical engineering, 3rd grade, he's an ambitious active young man who motivates his colleages to be positive and pursiut there dreams.. His dream is to work in media to bring social problems up, and help.solving them.. Beside his social intrests, Almahdi likes to read and play different sports..

Monday 24 June 2013

Speakers Team

The speakers team.. Real heroes of this event.. the main team who worked very hard to pick the speakers and prepare them.. hours oh rehearsals.. not much sleep and rest.. but they did a great job..

Team leader: Rawan Aldaw Ali:

active student in third year electronic engineering.. every one who knows Rawan knows that she hates to talk about her self, she is a "doer" not a talker..
Rawan has a passion for astronomy and space.. she is a very ambitious young lady..
Under her lead.. the team achieved it's goal.. great expressive speakers..
Speakers loved working with Rawan.. they all agreed that she did her best to bring the best of them..

Waleed Wadessa:

 third year electronic engineering.. passionate about writing.. " I think writing is a great gift that God gave us to deliver messages we want to people.. writing is an effective way in changing the world..
when I attend TEDx events.. I get a chill when I see how organizer works so hard for it! I always wonder how they fell and why are they paying there effort and time in this! so I had to be a part of TEDx SUST to know the answer.." says waleed..
Now I know how it feels to work for your community.. to bring the best out of your university students! "Follow Your Passion" means be your self and do what you love to do.. not what your parents.. colleagues or any one else love.."

Alaa Aldeen Mohamed:

third year electronic engineering, spreading smiles in every face is what Alaa is trying to do in his life and where ever he goes.."smiles are the only thing worth eorking for.. it's the best reward I exoect from others.." says Alaa..
He studies electronic and majoring in communications to make the world as small as it could be.. Alaa hopes that TEDx SUST takes the lead of all independently organized TED event around the world..

Wadah Omer:

fourth year aviation engineering.. interested  in music, photography and reading different books..
Wadah has clear plans of future, believes that reading creats a better person which leads to a better world.. he takes aviation engineering very seriously and studies hard to be the best in it..

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Liceance Holder

Yahia M.Elamin
 Electronics Engineering/Computer Engineering & Network 4th Year

Goal & Passion :

 my goal is to change the world .... to put a Ding on the Universe by making a Technology break through and making a community change..

about the theme :

many people enter collages or make studies or even work on something they don't like something they do just to earn money and at the same time they are passionate about something else but the just don't believe that it is the thing they were born to do or the can make great things by it ... so life goes forward then they find their passion and what they are good at ... then they realize that its all what the want to do and what they can do best ... this is following you passion .. what we want to do is to help those who didn't find it yet or afraid of following their passion by motivating and encouraging them to do it and go forward .... i always believe that a man does best when he is doing what he loves .. "what he loves" is the definition of passion

experience with TEDx :

1st i was a speaker on TEDxKhartoum 2012 "" and then i found that TEDx changed my life so i desided to help improving other people's life so i became a volunteer at TEDxYouth@Kharoum 2012 on the Speakers preparation Team then a volunteer at TEDxKhartoum 2013 on the Media and Graphical Design Team while being the License of TEDxSUST .

what i got from TEDx :

 form TEDx i meet all the great mind local and global and one of the is the executive director of Linux "John Hall" and R who won Ruganzu Bruno TED prize and many others and the Most important thing i got from TEDx is the great and huge knowledge and experience in all aspects of life such as
-Communication skills
-Talks and presentation preparation Skills
-Team working
-Working under pressure
-Team Management Skills

Media Team

Our amaizing media team has prooved that "follow your passion" isn't just a catchy logo that we all say.. it can actually be a life style, the way you do every thing..
At first media team had only two members, but day by day they increased to a respected team of four creative designers..


  1. Team leader: Mazin Majdi:

    Mazin is a 19 years old student. he studies architectures at third grade.. passionate about internal design and photography..
    Mazin is a very active young man, he is the heart of the team.. he is motivated in away that encouraged every volunteer to push him/her self to there limits..
      beside his talent in graphics and design he plays guitar..

  2. Elaf Algadi:    fuaclty of architicture _ second year, passion : drawing & photography.. Elaf talking about the theme: "i still remember the first time i heard this theme while we were in a meeting trying to figure out what theme should we pick for our very first TEDx event ..
    i really didn't think that it was such a good idea for a theme.. i went back home thinking that everyone who voted for this theme are wrong , i laid down on my bed..closed my eyes and started thinking...
    after thinking for a while it just hit me like this !
    Passion is actully the only reason that can make you work so hard in order to acomplish or complete something they really love and want to do.. Passion is the thing that makes you stand up on your feet and try what you've failed at again.. but most of all..
    Passion , is the one thing that gives you a chance to be a Hero and a rollmodel in the thing you love to do..

  3. Rabie Alfatih:department of electronic engineering, third year..
    Rabie is a confident person with clear vision of the future and patient under pressure, he has prooved him self as an artist beside being a good student..
    If u asked about a word to describe Rabie I'd say "calm", he finishes his tasks in absolute scielence, without any delay..

  4. Ahmed Mohamed Osman:department of electronic engineering, fourth year..
    Mohammed started his journey with TEDx as an attendee last year, he really admired the concept of sharing ideas and the enviroment that opens great possibilities for young generation specificly..
    "We were born in this life to work hard to accomplish our dreams, and to help others to follow the same road.. I'v always been wishing for a society like TEDxers society, were u can work with talented people and feel welcomed and respected among them" says Mohammed..
    Mohamed dreams to be a great graphic designer and writer, he aims to publish books in a short time..

Sunday 12 May 2013


أثبتت الدراسات أن من يمكلون مشاعر جياشة و أفكار فائضة تجاه كينونة ما.. يعيشون أسعد.. و أكثر!
و هذا هو الشغف.. أن تمتلك ما تعيش ﻷجله.. أن تجد ما تتمنى ان تنجز فيه قبل أن تموت.. الشغف هو أن تهزم كل يوم ألف مرة.. و تستيقظ كل صباح كالملك الفاتح..

سيناريو أول:

قد يبدو كل هذا كجرة الذهب بآخر قوس القزح.. شعارات رددت كثيرا و أثارت في النفس ما أثارت.. ثم مضت كأن لم تكن..
(م) تدرس الهندسة.. تستيقظ كل يوم بعد صراع مع النوم.. تذهب للجامعة.. و تعود لتذهب إلى الجامعة مرة أخرى صباح اليوم التالي.. و ستستمر على هذا الروتين حين تعمل.. و حتى تتقاعد..

(م) رسامة محترفة.. قد تستغني عن النوم و الاكل ﻷيام و هي تعمل على لوحة.. فهي تجد النشوة في.الرسم.. شيئا فشيئا أصبحت لا تجد وقتا لترسم.. و أصبحت (م) الرسامة مجرد ذكرى..

(أ) طالب آخر بكلية الهندسة.. يقضي يومه نائما بين سريره و مقاعد الدراسة صباحا.. و مساءا يشاهد كرة القدم أو يسترخي بشارع النيل..

(أ) ينتج أفلاما قصيرة من باب قتل الفراغ.. يشهد له أصدقاءه بالإبداع لكنه يفعل ذلك كهاو من أجل المتعة فقط.. لا أكثر..

(س) خريجة جامعية.. الأولى على دفعتها.. لها ذاكرة حديدية و تلتهم كتب الدراسة التهاما.. (س) اهتمت بموضوع الميكانيكا الحيوية حين درست مقدمة عنها بالجامعة.. و قدمت فيها بحثا مميزا و حصلت على تقدير ممتاز في تلك المادة.. أحبت جدا دراستها.. ثم تخرجت و نسيت كل ذلك..

قد تشعر انك تعيش مع آلاف ال (م) و (أ) و (س) و تراهم حولك.. و لا تجد ما ينغص حياتهم! حياة مكتملة.. لكن ماذا لو خرجنا من الصندوق قليلا.. و تجرأنا على الخروج من المنطقة الآمنة التي سبقنا عليها الكثير.. و حاولنا البحث عن جرة الذهب!

سيناريو أجرأ:

(م) انهت دراستها و تفرغت للفن تماما.. (م) تعلم انها ستعيش مرة واحدة و تريد أن تسعد بذلك بعيدا عن المألوف..
(م) لا تجني الكثير من المال من بيع لوحاتها.. لكنها سعيدة!

(أ) يخرج كل يوم لعمله.. مهندس مميز ينجز عمله أسرع و أكفأ من أقرانه.. نتيجة لذلك لديه صلاحيات أكثر (يخرج من عمله وقت ما يريد).. ليس بالضرورة ان ما يتقنه هو مصدر سعادته.. فهو يعمل بقناة محلية و له قناة على اليوتيوب ينفذ فيهما أفلاما من الواقع.. باحترافية تفوق دارسي الإخراج.. فهو لا يجد نفسه إلا بين شخصيات أفلامه و القصص التي يشهد عليها كل يوم.. (أ) حائز على جوائز على أفلامه.. (أ) لديه بريق بعينيه!

(س) تحضر الدكتوراة في الميكانيكا الحيوية.. بعد ان تخبطت بين المجالات و الوظائف تفرغت للدراسة.. تدرس بالجامعة الميكانيكا الحيوية كما لم نعرفها من قبل.. حتى أن طلبتها أصبحو لا يكتفون بالمقرر عليهم.. تعمل عفى مشروع سيعيد احياء الملايين من الأطراف التالفة.. هذا صباحا.. مساءا (س) زوجة و أم.. (س) امرأة.. لكنها لا تتذمر من التعب و الارهاق!

و هنا يتجلى موضوعنا "اتبع شغفك" ذلك الصوت الصغير الذي يرن بعقلك و تتجاهله.. تلكرالأفكار التي تراودك و تضحك و ترمي بها بقاع ذاكرتك.. ذلك الاحساس الذي يسيطر عليك و يجعلك تنتشي سعادة حين تقوم بفعل ما تحبه.. يمكن لتلك اللحظات الصغيرة من البهجة ان تصبح حياة كاملة!

لا معنى للمال أو المركز العالي بشركة ما أو النجاح بصورته التقليدية إن لم تكن ترى عالما من الفرص اللامحدودة كل يوم.. كمن يبني جسرا للوصول إلى الضفة الأخرى من النهر.. فيبني أطول جسر في العالم.. لكنه يوازي النهر ولا يصل للضفة الأخرى!
التحدي يمكن في أن تجد ما انت شغوف به حقا.. إن وجدت ذلك.. هنيئا لك بجرة الذهب 

Studies have proved that, people who have emotive feelings and floating thoughts toward something, live happier and longer..!!
And that is what's called passion, that you have something to live for, to find what you wish to accomplish before you die, passion  is about losing thousands of times, but then waking up like a victourious king…

A first scenario:

All this might seem like beyond our reach, like idioms that were said a lot, interested us, then left  us trapped in their meanings..
(m) studies engineering, wakes up everyday after a battle with sleeping. She goes to collage then comes back , so that she goes again the next morning. And, she'll keep this routine until she find a job and retires.
(m) is a professional painter, who would give up sleeping and eating for days while working on a paint, because she feels the joy in painting. Then little by little she can't find time for it, and becomes  just a memory.
(a) another student majors in engineering. He spends his days between his bed and the classrooms in mornings, and watching tv or relaxing in Nile Street in evenings.
(a) produces short movies just for killing his spare time, and he's  well known for his creativity in it, yet he's doing it just for fun and nothing more.
(x) is a graduate and the first among her colleagues. She has great ability in memorizing. She was interested in the biomechanics field during her collage period, and  presented a research about it that got her a big mark in this subject. Then, she graduated and forgot all about it.
You may feel like you're living the pain of the (m)s, (a)s, and (x) and you see them around you, with their perfect life!.. but what if we can step outside the box a little bit, and dare to go out of safe zone that a lot has stayed in before us….

Another daring scenario:

(m) has finished her studies and vowed herself for arts. (m) knows that she'll be living one life so she wants to happily live it beyond the expected. She's not making enough money, yet she's happy.
(a) goes out to his work. A great engineer who is faster and more capable than his fellows, for this reason he has more power (like leaving whenever he wants). It's not a necessity that his job is his source of happiness; he's working in a local channel and a YouTube channel that he makes in them some professional documentary movies, in which he finds himself. He has won several awards. (a) has some glow in his eyes..!!
(x) is preparing for her PHD in Biomechanics, she has freed herself for studying after going through lots of  different jobs. As we never accustomed her, she's now teaching biomechanics in university, even her students  are not studying just the given courses. She's working on a project that will help in renewing millions of damaged organs. Nevertheless, she accomplishes all that during daytime, but in evenings (x) is just an ordinary wife and mother, a woman, yet she doesn't complain about exhaustion.
From all this, arises out our theme (follow your passion), that little voice that rings in your mind but you keep ignoring it, those thoughts that  come up with but end up laughing at yourself and then forgetting about them,
That feeling that controls you and makes you glow of happiness  due to doing what you love. Those little moments of joy can be a full life.
There is no meaning of money, or a high position in some company, or even an average success, if you can't see a world full of unlimited opportunities each day, as if someone building the longest bridge to cross a river, but he ends up building it alignment with the river and not able to cross it.
The competition is in finding what you're truly passionate about, if you find it…Then, congratulation you've won the lottery ticket…!!    

Saturday 4 May 2013

Registration team

Our registration team has started it's tasks very early, they prepared many forms of registration for the attendees according to the standards of TED.
After Many  Meetings, tens of Forms and alot of negotiations the team (and speakers team) has came up with two forms, one for nominations of speakers, and the other for registration to attend the event..

Nomination form:

Registration form:

Registration team members:

Qusai ..... (team leader):

Big boss led his team to finish there job before all the teams. Qusai in his own words:" Qusai Awadalla Osman AbdulSamad I'm
21 years old I'm a 4th level electronics (computer) engineering student I'm passionate about new technology and programming because it has the ability to make the world better place to live , I like new creative ,
innovative and great idea which can make a huge impact in our lives,those ideas are need to be implemented to make our country a great place .
my personal goal is to build a company which concern about electronics systems and new technologies in order to implement those ideas my self
I believe that tedx can bring those ideas in one place. I learned in tedx that No man or woman is an island. Humans are social beings who have the need to be able to interact
properly with other humans, This is why The Key to Any Successful origination is.............. TEAMWORK "

Mussab Taha (internal coordinator) :

Full name is : Mussab abdelbagi
abdelrahim taha , studying electronics engineering - industrial electronics engineering .
Department - 4th year ( semester 8 ) -22 years old.
My passion is to know everything about electronics and their mechanism so as to start developing and inventing new technologies and devices that will make the life on the planet easier .
My goal is to be a professional engineer in my field and a consultant in a plenty of well - known corporations around the world , a well - reputed researcher , a creative entrepreneur that contribute the community movement directly , meanwhile start my own business and make a fortune so I can help the Sudanese people .
About TEDxSUST : I really gained a lot of soft skills , I felt free to speak up my mind and thoughts ,and I been more familiar with team work ,

Nuha Hashim Altahir:

studying Electonics Engineering - 4th year , specializing in Communications
"I am a very ambitious person generally so I have soo many goal that I work soo hard for, but work wise I want to be an
Educator,I want to teach people and spread knowledge and make it respected and worthy , and I want to empower women to aim high and to believe in their abilities to accomplish whatever they set their mind into, I want to change the way women see themselves in the Sudanese community.
TEDx has been a very wonderful add to my life, getting behind the scene and being a part of making such a huge thing assured me that what I want to do in my life is possible and worthy. "

Mohammed Hayder:

(General advisor)
Mohammed Hayder Mustafa
Hamad.. Studying Electronics -"computer" 4th year..
My passion is to see my country the best in everything ...i want to help people here to have a better life in every single way for my personal goal i want to be a successful
person in practical world well as productive & active in my community.
ABOUT TEDx : I learned so many
things people can unite in order to bring something inspirational to the
nation...& how huge impacts come from just a small idea...i learned that "IDEAS REALLY WORTH SPREADING " no matter
how old you are , what is your educational level ,Gender ...etc.
ABOUT MYSELF : i would like as i said see my country a Bacon in the world ...something to be proud of ...not just fantasies about what we want from our country to be...i don't need to be a politician to make an impact in this world ....& someday "inshala" i will make the CHANGE to the BEST .

Khalid Esam :

Khalid Esam Nureldin Osman, study: Industrial Electronics Engineering at 4th year
my goal is to be a successful engineer and to work for one of the
biggest companies whether in Sudan or outside & to be able to inspire ppl like they inspired me also to pay the favor for the ones whom helped me being what I am...
However, I joined TEDx cuz it was an inspiration for most of people.. TEDx helped me and developed my teamwork expertise plus its fun to work with people who share same passion, excitement and ideas !!

Fatima Elsayed:

Fatima Alsyid Mohammed Khair. ( Teina)
studying Biomedical Engineering
my goal for sure is to success in my life .. and I mean allllll parts of it !
joining TEDx was one of the greatest achievements that have occurred by chance in my life.
TEDx helped me to improve my confidence, skills in helping people,, also made me meet a lot of very ambitious people
I wish I could help each person to achieve his giant ambition ...And I think this is my ambition . Seeing everyone happy is more pleasure and brings me closer to get hold of my goals..


Wednesday 17 April 2013

Tough Talk


     Yahia Alamin raised a question that kept rining in every one's heads.. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?
people's answeres were short but varied, alot couldn't express what they had in mind.
but in general, they represented the main goal of TEDx events, spreading ideas.

Registration team:

     The prov. event registration form is ready, published but not yet shared on social networks.

Speakers team:

     No speakers has been nominated yet, no one filled the nomination form, but by 10/5 the team will deliver the final list of speakers, as Waleed said.

Event management:

     An initial schedule was prepared by the team, they were advised to review the rules of TEDx organizing to build up a better schedule.

Media team:

 They made a design of the brochure, which is a very nice one but misses final touches.
The logo that goes with theme is still under process, the creative adviser Roaa Majzoub gave them her point of view  about it.

Social media team:

     Twitter account has many tweets which is good but needs alittle bit more effort, Facebook page is very weak, the admin Mohammed Salah didn't attend the meeting but he was informed with his role.

    Many people missed this meeting, which meant that some thing was wrong. So Mr.Mohammed A. Abdulkareem complained about punctuality and commitment. Gave the organizers strict rules and advised them to learn more about TED and TEDx events.